Tsung provides community and commercial support options for users. Community support includes issues tracking, mailing list, and also IRC (#tsung channel on freenode). And don’t forget to read the FAQs and documentation.
Commercial support is also available from several companies providing professional services to the Tsung community :
ProcessOne (http://www.process-one.net/)
- Description ProcessOne delivers scalable and robust systems to support creative instant messaging applications. ProcessOne is a leading developer of Tsung-based modules.
- Languages English, French
- Contact information http://www.process-one.net/en/company/contact/
ISVTEC (http://www.isvtec.com/)
- Provides Tsung-based scalability audit, Consulting, Support, Advanced Configuration and scenarii implementation.
- Description ISVTEC provides Tsung-based scalability audit and Tsung-related services since 2009. Web-platform oriented, we help our customers set up and run Tsung in their infrastructure.
- Languages English, French
- Employees 8
- Contact information contact@isvtec.com, Phone: +33 (0)1 84 16 16 17
2nd Quadrant (http://www.2ndquadrant.com/)
- Provides Tsung services for PostgreSQL scalability benchmarking, hardware profiling, performances audit, config checking, migration validation.
- Description 2ndQuadrant provides PostgreSQL services, by the developers of PostgreSQL
- Languages English, French, Spanish, Italian, German
- Employees 20+ Worldwide
- Contact information info@2ndQuadrant.fr, Phone: +33 9 72 17 01 31
Rodolphe QuiƩdeville (http://rodolphe.quiedeville.org/)
- I offer professional consulting services including support and training on Tsung and associated tools. Load testing sessions can be made by deploying a Tsung cluster on your private infrastructure or ont the internet using my own public cluster. I can also provide consulting on improvements on well knwon free software web tools (Apache, nginx, postgtresql, …)
- Languages French, English
- Employees 1 (free-lance)
- Contact information rodolphe@quiedeville.org
Sebastian Cohnen (http://tisba.de)
- Provides (large-scale) http load testing using tsung, creating extensions/plugins for tsung, consulting and services regarding scalable architectures, performance and cloud-infrastructure
- Languages German, English
- Contact information tsung-support@tisba.de, tisba in #tsung on freenode