Welcome to Tsung’s documentation!
Everything you need to know about Tsung
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Features
- 2.1. Tsung main features
- 2.2. HTTP related features
- 2.3. WEBDAV related features
- 2.4. Jabber/XMPP related features
- 2.5. PostgreSQL related features
- 2.6. MySQL related features
- 2.7. Websocket related features
- 2.8. AMQP related features
- 2.9. MQTT related features
- 2.10. LDAP related features
- 2.11. Raw plugin related features
- 2.12. Complete reports set
- 2.13. Highlights
- 3. Installation
- 4. Benchmark Approach
- 5. Using the proxy recorder
- 6. Understanding tsung.xml configuration file
- 7. Statistics and Reports
- 8. References
- 9. Acknowledgments
- 10. Frequently Asked Questions
- 10.1. Can’t start distributed clients: timeout error
- 10.2. Tsung crashes when I start it
- 10.3. Why do i have error_connect_emfile errors?
- 10.4. Tsung still crashes/fails when I start it!
- 10.5. Can I dynamically follow redirect with HTTP?
- 10.6. What is the format of the stats file tsung.log?
- 10.7. How can I compute percentile/quartiles/median for transactions or requests response time?
- 10.8. How can I specify the number of concurrent users?
- 10.9. SNMP monitoring doesn’t work?!
- 10.10. How can i simulate a fix number of users?
- 11. Errors list
- 11.1. error_closed
- 11.2. error_inet_<ERRORNAME>
- 11.3. error_unknown_data
- 11.4. error_unknown_msg
- 11.5. error_unknown
- 11.6. error_repeat_<REPEATNAME>
- 11.7. error_send_<ERRORNAME>
- 11.8. error_send
- 11.9. error_connect_<ERRORNAME>
- 11.10. error_no_online
- 11.11. error_no_offline
- 11.12. error_no_free_userid
- 11.13. error_next_session
- 11.14. error_mysql_<ERRNO>
- 11.15. error_mysql_badpacket
- 11.16. error_pgsql
- 12. Changelog
- 13. tsung-1.0.dtd